2007年12月22日 星期六


I love animals, and I always dream of breed a dog in my childhood. But my parent didn’t allow me to do that, they always think of I would never take care of dogs by myself. So I decided to breed small rabbits surreptitiously.

Rabbits are so cute that I can stroke its skin again and again. And I put the cage into a wardrobe to avoid my parent found out. Although its urine is so terrible, it has no flavor from its body. So I can embrace it like a doll.

Also my sister feeds three guinea pigs now. And it is a little pitiful that the weather in winter in Yangmingshan is really cold. So every year when the winter comes, we all worry about them. Comfortingly they are happy with the others :). No matter any kind of pets always give a lot of surprises in our life. And we hope them would accompany us forever.

Recently, I go to the university in Taipei, so I can’t take it with me. I ‘m so sorry to it because I ‘m irresponsible breeder now. It’s brief time when I come back to Yi-lan. Therefore, I think it can practice the responsibility to feed pets. Although I’m a fail breeder now will do my best later time to increase the time with my lovely rabbits.

Three guinea pigs :)
