2007年12月22日 星期六


I love animals, and I always dream of breed a dog in my childhood. But my parent didn’t allow me to do that, they always think of I would never take care of dogs by myself. So I decided to breed small rabbits surreptitiously.

Rabbits are so cute that I can stroke its skin again and again. And I put the cage into a wardrobe to avoid my parent found out. Although its urine is so terrible, it has no flavor from its body. So I can embrace it like a doll.

Also my sister feeds three guinea pigs now. And it is a little pitiful that the weather in winter in Yangmingshan is really cold. So every year when the winter comes, we all worry about them. Comfortingly they are happy with the others :). No matter any kind of pets always give a lot of surprises in our life. And we hope them would accompany us forever.

Recently, I go to the university in Taipei, so I can’t take it with me. I ‘m so sorry to it because I ‘m irresponsible breeder now. It’s brief time when I come back to Yi-lan. Therefore, I think it can practice the responsibility to feed pets. Although I’m a fail breeder now will do my best later time to increase the time with my lovely rabbits.

Three guinea pigs :)

2007年12月16日 星期日

Small group of US experts insist global warming not man-made

WASHINGTON (AFP) - A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that, contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.

These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and they point to reams of data they say support their assertions.

These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which reached its conclusions using largely similar data.

The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renowned US scientists, adopted a landmark report in mid-November stating that the evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now "unequivocal."
Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change is already on the march, the report said.

Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and inflicting changes to weather systems.

A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article on their views that is published in The International Journal of Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.

"The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas, a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
"The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate warming," Douglas wrote.

According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama, satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to three times greater."

Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.

The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse gases."

For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."

How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the earth's surface and thus the climate."

Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate change.

The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased, he said.

Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated greenhouse gas emissions.
Al Gore said: hoping those experts stubbornly insisting that the humans may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth will be awaken after saw the film. I am curious about how those experts to insist their claim when I saw the An Inconvenient Truth. Therefore, after I saw the report on Yahoo in America, I decided to realize it and put on my blog at once.

But I feel difficult on some professed vocabulary like: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), solar winds, terrestrial magnetic field…after read it at the first time. Therefore, I searched those above words on Internet, knowing the IPCC is an organization which organized by UN and researching the reason of the climate changing.

Recently, IPCC announced a research that the greenhouse effect is virtually certain made by human. After that there were some actions have been held by powerful country in the world. Including “KYOTO PROTOCOL TO THE UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE” was bringing into force in 2005.

Although the majority countries believe human made the climate changing, those experts insisted that there are not certain result to prove. And they think the external factor including, solar wind, terrestrial magnetic field is most serious then human actions.

Of course, those above reason may be an important one. But I think the human is the major reason in greenhouse effect. According a lot of film about climate changing, the industrial actions produce many greenhouse gases. And the industry advance year to year, the greenhouse effect become worse, too.

Finally, I think everything have variety opinions in the world. Remembering there was an argument about if abolishes the death penalty. In fact, I disapproved about that. However, when I saw the issue why they insisted to abolish the death penalty. I think their issue is meaningful and will make the society more safe rather than killing people finally. So, being a human in the world should know different sides in everything.
Two polar bears were besieged on the thawing ice :(

2007年12月10日 星期一

Guishan Island

Guishan Island a volcano island on occasion is managed by Yi-lan. One of the reasons well-known is that it resembles a floating turtle. Last Friday on class, hudilaoshr said: I have never been to Guishan Island. Although I live in Yi-Lan for six years, I have not been to there, either. One time my friend climbed there, and she said it is so steep that she nearly dead! therefore, the Guishan Island is also called :Steep Island.

The methods which go to the Guishan Island is by the ship. That is the reason that why I didn’t go with her because I always have serious seasick on the ship….So it is terrible thing for me to take a ship to trip. There are without inhabitants live in. People are limited, and sometime have to hold the application to go to.My friend who climbed Guishan Island said there are beautiful and natural. However, I must eat the medicine to avoid seasick or I shall can't to see the view there forever.

I think it is necessary limiting people because many famous spot were destroyed by tourists all over the world. According news we know some spots will disappear soon like: Angkor Wat. Angkor in Cambodia, coral-reef coast in south Taiwan and other countries and so on…. But the most important thing is the behavior of people treating to historic relics. Be careful to treat those World Heritages and give the right for next one to see them.

2007年10月30日 星期二


Halloween,or Hallowe'en,is a holiday celebrated on night of October 31.Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, visiting "haunted houses" and carving jack-o-lanterns. The term Halloween (and its alternative rendering Hallowe'en) is shortened from All-hallow-even, as it is the eve of "All Hallows' Day",[1] which is now also known as All Saints' Day. Some modern Halloween traditions developed out of older pagan traditions, especially surrounding the Irish holiday Samhain, a day associated both with the harvest and otherworldly spirits. Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century. Halloween is now celebrated in several parts of the Western world, most commonly in Ireland, the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the United Kingdom and occasionally in parts of Australia and New Zealand.
Many European cultural traditions, in particular Celtic cultures, hold that Halloween is one of the liminal times of the year when spirits can make contact with the physical world, and when magic is most potent (according to, for example, Catalan mythology about witches and Scottish and Irish tales of the Sídhe).


costume n.服裝
haunt v.經常去(某地);纏住(某人)
jack n.插座
alternative adj.若干中擇一的;供選擇的
render v.翻譯;使成為;給予
pagan n.非基督教徒
spirit n. 心靈
otherworldly adj.空想的;來世的
immigrant n.移民
version+(of) n.說法


When the Halloween is coming, my neighbors who come from America will decorate their house with some things like: punkin, death’s-head, bat…and so on. But they had not come to us house, and say: Trick or treating! It’s interesting to us because we do not have the festival. And it seem important to every westerner. The date of the Halloween is soon coming. So I want to realize it much by this time.

From the article, I know the rise of the Halloween Day which was from pagan traditions. It’s amazing to me because it is now celebrated by western world. Why I am interest in Halloween because the punkins are really cute. And the supermarket would sell that in Taiwan. One year my brother had some program about the festival in his school. Culture is learned around the world. It’s interesting and meaningful to everyone.

2007年10月9日 星期二

New Seven Worlders of the World

New Seven Wonders of the World is a contemporary attempt to create an alternative to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World list. The worldwide popularity poll was organized by the private, non-profit New Open World Corporation (NOWC), with winners announced on July 7, 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal.[1]
The Swiss-based NOWC claims more than 100 million votes were cast through the Internet or by telephone. Since nothing prevented fans, government or tourism agencies from casting multiple votes, the poll is considered "decidedly unscientific".[2]
NOWC relied on private donations, the sale of merchandise such as shirts and cups, and revenue from selling broadcasting rights.
The program drew a wide range of official reaction. Some countries touted their finalist and tried to get more votes cast for it, while others downplayed or criticized the contest.[2][1] UNESCO has distanced itself from the undertaking.[3]

The report is a few before the months.But until I was just real to understand the content of this report today.

This is the first thing I learning from the journal (blog) postings is that read report not examine hurriedly.Why I choose the repot as my journal is that I never travel any world besides Taiwan.Oh! That is mean I'm never taking plane to somewhere ,either. At all event, I'd better know some famous spots of the world.

New Seven Worlders of the world is a little part of the famous scenic spots. I also looking else spots that not be voted into the New Seven worlders because those spots of my mind should in the list but they are not. Amazing of the result is that The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was not voted in The New Seven.The only one was observed ancestry's inheritance in the old seven greatest miracles in the world of my knowledge .So,how great spot it is! But it was ranked the eighth. Some spot also are the greatest inheritances in my mind wasn't included the New Seven like Easter Island Moais in Easter island, Angkor Wat in Angkor,Stonehenge in Amesbury...etc.

The first time when I saw about the argument of the report on the TV is that the New Seven was considered unscientific because it was open online to poll by people all over the world. And it is easy causing some nationlist attempting breaking down the equity of the poll.

Althought it aroused many arguments,the most improtant thing I learning from the report is that we should respect the opinions from other people.Especially in the period of the global village.We will alway meet someone who come from different country.And the culture differ from country to country.If we can't revere different opinions arround ourselves in the small group now.How dealing some things with someone who come from different country after we graduate from college.Respect different viewpoints and opinoins is that I learning from it.

->Stonehenge in Amesbury
->Easter Island Moais in Easter island
->Angkor Wat in Angkor